Land of SPUR Help Ye must accomplish the following to be rated a 'Conqueror' of the LAND: 1) Find the Almighty and Omnipotent SPUR and defeat him in battle. 2) Escape from level #1 by finding the LADDER UP. In addition, ye may be required to: 1) Find the MAGIC item required. 2) Attain wealth by acquiring GOLD through your conquests of demons. Ye may find clues as to what exactly is required of you scripted in books or scrolls within the LAND. The challenge set forth is not an easy one... However, there are these commands that ye may use once you enter the dungeon: LOOK - Re-describes your current location. DROP - [ITEM] or [WEAPON] that ye are carrying. CAST - To cast a spell that ye have learned from the Wizard. GET - To pick up objects within a room. READY - To prepare a weapon for battle. ATTACK - To attack a monster or another adventurer. READ - To read Books that ye have found. WEAR - To don Armor. USE - To use a Shield or Compass. FLEE - To exit the room in a random direction. EAT - To eat food. DRINK - To drink a liquid. EXAMINE - To inspect an object BEFORE GETting it. STATS - To display attributes. INV - To display objects carried, spells known, allies acquired. DUEL - To challenge another adventurer to a battle. N)ORTH - S)OUTH - E)AST - W)EST - U)P - D)OWN - Move in that direction. Ye may use single-letter or full-word commands for direction. Ye will find it VERY helpful to map the maze. There are many rooms and many levels. Along the way you will encounter many demons and monsters. If you are brave and fight well you will be rewarded for your efforts. This is all that I shall tell thee...